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Paying It Forward

Many times we see our glass as half empty rather than half full. At this time of year we are reminded of how blessed we are when we witness others less fortunate.

This year, with the help of Circus Arts Conservatory, we took on a rather large project for the holidays and “adopted” local families in dire need. One family had been homeless until recently. Without the generosity of others, their holiday would have been far from merry. Another had difficulty putting food on the table for seven children. Another was a single mom working full time at minimum wage struggling to support her children. There are so many stories like this in our community and beyond. Our Giving Tree project brings to mind how lucky we are every day to have food, clothing, and shelter and how difficult it is to look away from those who suffer without these basic needs.

At Sarasota Orthopedic Associates our “elves” created a Giving Tree to help fill the wishes of those with very little. Not only did we fulfill every wish, we collected many extras along the way with an abundance of canned goods and substantial amount of cash to purchase food gift cards. We cried happy tears yesterday as we wrapped 85 gifts.

This morning we delivered those wrapped gifts to families. Our hearts are overjoyed, knowing on Christmas morning children will be surprised with a new bike, or skates, or clothes and have a hot meal to share with their family. To see the tears of appreciation in their mom’s eyes fills us with an awesome sense of giving and inspires us to carry that benevolence long into the coming year. Francis of Assisi said “For it is in giving that we receive”.

At Sarasota Orthopedic Associates we are grateful for the abundance in our lives and mindful of the importance to pay it forward. It truly is better to give than to receive.  We wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy Holiday, Happy Hanukkah, blessed Kwanza and most of all, a New Year filled with hope, love, joy, and prosperity.

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